14 July - 15 July 2021

Materials for Energy Technology

Organised by:

SCI Early Careers Materials Chemistry Committee

Online Webinar: 10:00 BST both days

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Our annual conference is a chance for early career materials scientists in academia and industry to come together for a day of talks, posters and presentations from industry.

Our theme this year is on ‘energy materials’ as we look to explore some of the cutting-edge research in batteries, solar cell materials and fuel cells (among many others).

Our aim is to engage early career researchers from all areas of research around energy materials and to foster relationships and potentially productive future collaborations.


This event is for early career researchers in academia and industry working in the field of materials science for the energy sector.

Angus Pederson

Angus Pederson

Imperial College London

Angus Pedersen received his M.Eng. in Chemical Engineering with Industrial placement from the University of Bath in 2019. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Maria-Magdalena Titirici and Dr. Ifan E. L. Stephens at Imperial College London and Prof. Dan Brett and Dr Rhodri Jervis at University College London. Angus’ research focuses on synthesizing and characterising single and dual metal atom electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction in low temperature fuel cells.

Cameron Day

Cameron Day

William Blythe

Cameron is an industrial chemist with a passion for innovation in sustainable technologies. Since graduating in 2017 with a Masters in Chemistry from the University of Leeds, he has dedicated his career to developing battery materials as a chemist at William Blythe. Beginning with a secondment to the National Graphene Institute researching novel graphene anode materials for Li-ion batteries, he then took leadership of work that explored Li-ion cathode materials, Li-S technology and sustainable battery manufacturing. He has also sat on an expert panel for a battery funding call and has recently designed and installed the Synthomer Energy Storage Facility.

 Dr Carlota Bozal-Ginesta

Dr Carlota Bozal-Ginesta

University of Toronto

Dr Carlota Bozal-Ginesta is a Post-doctoral Fellow working on the characterization of optoelectronic materials driven by artificial intelligence with Prof Alán Aspuru-Guzik at the University of Toronto. She obtained her PhD under the supervision of Prof James Durrant at Imperial College London, where she used time-resolved spectroelectrochemistry to investigate active states in photo- and electro-catalytic water splitting systems for energy conversion and storage into fuels

Daniel Atkinson

Daniel Atkinson

Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick

Daniel is a Project Engineer at Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), with a focus on battery slurry formulation and cell scale-up. He is currently studying the stability of high nickel cathodes and their processibility in the electrochemical materials group under Dr Mark Copley. His latest project is investigating water based cathode processing for low cost, environmentally friendly Li-ion batteries.

Prof Emma Kendrick

Prof Emma Kendrick

University of Birmingham

Professor Kendrick has worked in industry and academic extensively on energy materials and devices; batteries and fuel cells, and has 70 papers and 21 patent family applications in this field. Her enthusiasm for new technology development, mainly batteries, extends to the industrial and academic fields. She has been on many EPSRC industry advisory boards, and is currently functional material specialist on the physical science SAT for EPSRC, Committee member for the Energy Group at IoM3 and the Materials Division Council at the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Glenn Lamming

Glenn Lamming


Dr Glenn Lamming joined CPI as a research scientist in 2019 as a member of the materials science team. His technical focus is on the formulation and testing of battery materials and sustainable polymers. Prior to CPI, Glenn spent 18 months developing coatings and adhesives for high security holograms. His PhD was obtained in the field of bioinorganic coordination chemistry, studying the effects of iron sequestration on the growth of marine algae for applications in antifouling coatings. In tandem with this, Glenn also studied the preparation of coordination polymers as 1D and 2D nanomaterials using self-assembly and top-down processing.

Nicole Fleck

Nicole Fleck

University of Liverpool

Nicole Fleck is finishing her PhD in thin film solar cell materials at the Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy, University of Liverpool. She finished her undergraduate at Dublin City University in Applied Physics in 2016.

Dr Oliver Weber

Dr Oliver Weber

Oxford PV

Dr Oliver Weber is an Engineer working on device development and commercialisation at Oxford PV, the technology leader in the field of perovskite solar cells. He previously completed his PhD at the University of Bath, Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies and studied Chemistry at the University of Bristol, with a year spent at the University of Toronto researching materials for organic electronics.

Dr Sahil Tippireddy

Dr Sahil Tippireddy

University of Reading

Dr Sahil Tippireddy obtained his master’s degree in Physics from Thapar University, Patiala, India and completed his PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Ramesh Chandra Mallik. During his PhD, he investigated the electronic and thermoelectric properties of single and double substituted Cu12Sb4S13 tetrahedrites. He is currently a postdoc at the University of Reading, UK, working with Prof. Anthony Powell on mineral-based Copper-Sulphide compositions for thermoelectric applications. His research interests include studying the structural, morphological, and transport properties of thermoelectric materials for power generation applications.

Dr Santosh Kumar

Dr Santosh Kumar

Diamond Light Source/Imperial College London

Santosh is an experienced Postdoctoral Research Associate, recently relocated to Diamond Light Source (July 2021) from Imperial College London. Santosh’s interdisciplinary research expertise and interests include functional materials design & synthesis, surface & interface engineering, CO2 and biomass utilisation, and photocatalysis for solar fuels, solar biofuels and environmental remediation. Santosh has published 40 research articles and three book chapters (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1352-9945) with more than 3000 citations and 25 h-index (Google Scholar). Santosh is a Chair of the Supergen Bioenergy hub’s SHARE network. He is a follow of Higher Education Academy United Kingdom and a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Seán Kavanagh

Seán Kavanagh

University College London

My name’s Seán Kavanagh, and I’m a PhD student in the research groups of Prof Aron Walsh (Materials, Imperial College) and Prof David Scanlon (Chemistry, UCL). I grew up near Dublin, Ireland, where I studied Nanoscience in Trinity College Dublin for my undergrad. Outside the lab, I enjoy being active, listening to podcasts/audiobooks and watching movies/TV. In my research, I use computational materials modelling to understand the atomistic behaviour of energy materials, such as solar cells, batteries and thermoelectrics, with the aim of leveraging this understanding to improve performance and efficiencies in these devices.

Dr Seyyed Shayan Meysami

Dr Seyyed Shayan Meysami


Shayan specialises in developing functional materials for energy storage applications. As a Senior Scientist at Faradion, his research currently focuses on novel anode materials for sodium-ion batteries.
Prior to his current appointment, Shayan held various positions at the University of Oxford for 8 years as a Senior Demonstrator, Postdoctoral Researcher, and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early-Stage Researcher. Shayan was a Research Associate and a Member of the Senior Common Room at the Corpus Christi College. He completed his graduate studies at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut polytechnique de Grenoble and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) before obtaining his DPhil from the University of Oxford.

Dr Shriparna Mukherjee

Dr Shriparna Mukherjee

University of Reading

Shriparna Mukherjee holds PhD degree from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Subsequently she joined the Department of Chemistry, University of Reading, as a postdoctoral research associate with Dr. Paz Vaqueiro and Prof. Anthony Powell. She is currently working on a project funded by The Leverhulme Trust. Her research area includes investigating materials for thermoelectric energy applications.

Prof Vin Dhanak

Prof Vin Dhanak

University of Liverpool

Prof Vin Dhanak (VRD) is a Professor in Physics at the Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, and is an academic researcher at the Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy. He has over 25 years of experience in synchrotron studies, nano- and surface science, materials characterization, and related instrumentation and has published over 300 research papers (H=42; >5000 citations; Google Scholar). Prof. Dhanak has extensive collaborations in USA, EU and India. Recent research highlights include STM and LEED structural studies of TCOs (including In2O3), band-line-up and interface studies of efficiency enhancing layers in PV devices and high-k stacks on Ge, Si and GaN.


Wednesday 14 July

Welcome and Introduction
Interfaces in battery manufacturing
Prof Emma Kendrick, University of Birmingham
Considerations for battery scale up
Daniel Atkinson, Warwick Manufacturing Group
How is materials chemistry driving the electric vehicle revolution?
Cameron Day, William Blythe
3D Printed Solid-State Batteries
Glenn Lamming, CPI
Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in Cr Substituted CuFeS2 Chalcopyrite
Dr Sahil Tippireddy, University of Reading
Copper-containing sulphides as low-cost thermoelectric materials
Dr Shriparna Mukherjee, University of Reading
Faradion's Na-ion technology: an Insight into the materials chemistry
Dr Seyyed Shayan Meysami, Faradion
Introduction to poster competition
Webinar close

Thursday 15 July

Welcome and Introduction
Core levels, band aligment & valence states in Cu5bS2 and Cu3Bi53
Prof Vin Dhanak, University of Liverpool
An XPS Study of Favourable Contamination and Interfaces at the Back Contact of Thin Film Solar Cells
Nicole Fleck, University of Liverpool
Cadmium Vacancies Reduce Photovoltaic Efficiency in CdTe
Sean Kavanagh, University College London
Ultra-high density iron atoms within nitrogen-doped carbon as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction in low temperature fuel cells
Angus Pederson, Imperial College London
Operando redox state kinetics in photo-and electro-catalytic schemes for water splitting
Dr Carlota Bozal-Ginesta, University of Toronto
Metal Halide Perovskites: New Candidates for Solar Fuels Production via Artificial Photosynthesis
Dr Santosh Kumar, Diamond Light Source/Imperial College London
Materials Requirements for Solar Energy Conversion in Record High Efficiency Tandem Photovoltaic Cells
Dr Oliver Weber, Oxford PV
Prize winners and closing remarks

Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions


Organising committee

Shereen Aboarkaba, Croda International 
Lois Afua, Open University
Hatem Amli, MSS Products Ltd 
Alex Evans, Synthomer
Mark Isaacs, University College London / HarwellXPS
Leanne Jones, University of Liverpool
Chris Parlett, University of Manchester / Diamond Light Source
Cameron Price, University of Manchester
Ben Moss, Imperial College London 
Jack Swallow, Oxford University

For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org

Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org