16 November 2022

SCI FCG/YCP KeyNote Lecture

Organised by:

SCI's Fine Chemicals group and Young Chemists' Panel

Online Webinar - 15:00 - 16:30 GMT

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


Following the success of the YCP / FCG webinar series, we chose to continue highlighting excellent science via key note chemistry talks in a freely accessible format. With this in mind we aim to present two webinars a year of cutting edge new chemistry, with a panel discussion from expects. Sponsorship is encouraged to enable the event to be offered free-of-charge to online delegates.

Innovation in photocatalysis through use of flow

Visible light photocatalysis has received much attention in recent years as a mild and sustainable activation mode for organic molecules. In particular, when coupled with microreactor technology, an efficient irradiation of the reaction medium is achieved. In this lecture, we will discuss our work concerning the development of novel synthetic methods using photocatalysis and how these methods can benefit from continuous-flow processing.

For more information on sponsorship, please email conferences@soci.org
Tim Noel Headshot

Prof Timothy Noël

University of Amsterdam

Timothy is a Full Professor at the University of Amsterdam where he is the Chair of Flow Chemistry. His research interests are synthetic organic chemistry and technology, and especially the delicate synergy between these two fields. His research on flow chemistry was recognized with several awards, including the DECHEMA award (2017), the Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs (2019), the IUPAC-ThalesNano Flow Chemistry Award (2020), the KNCV Gold Medal (2021) and the ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award 2022. He is the editor in chief of Journal of Flow Chemistry.

Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions
