All Ireland Group

Established 2009

Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

Dr Gordon Armstrong


The All Ireland group was established during 2009 when Republic of Ireland International Group and the Northern Ireland Regional Group merged. The All Ireland group functions similarly to the UK regional groups, but with an Irish ‘flavour’.

Our events commonly deal with environmental issues and areas key the Irish economy, with food, agriculture and pharmaceuticals featuring prominently. As well as numerous events, held in Dublin, we run, support and sponsor events in Cork and Limerick.

Meet the Committee Officers

Josh Thompson


Joseph Dowling


Dr Gordon Armstrong


In brief

The All Ireland group aims to foster better links between molecular sciences, chemistry-based industry and the general public across the whole of Ireland. We regularly arrange talks by industry experts from Ireland and overseas. These talks are aimed at industrialists, chemistry teachers and interested members of the public.

The Wesley Cocker Award is presented to young scientists (PhD student or undergraduate) in Ireland who have made a major contribution in some aspect of chemistry relevant to Irish Industry.