Wesley Cocker Award

Established 2008

The Wesley Cocker Award, an annual award given by SCI's All Ireland Group, is named in the honour of Professor Wesley Cocker. Prof Cocker (1908-2007) was instrumental in establishing the Irish Section of SCI in 1947. The award is given to the best paper or patent on a topic of relevance to industrial chemistry, where the main author is a PhD or BSc student in Ireland, and is a member of the Society.

Award Information


The award winner is selected by a panel including academics and industrialists. Applications should be submitted to awards@soci.org enclosing the following:

  • An electronic copy of the applicant’s paper/poster/patent

  • A recommendation from the candidate’s supervisor outlining the contribution made to the work

  • The applicant’s SCI membership number, or confirmation that SCI membership has been applied for

Award presentation and prize

The Award is presented at the All Ireland Group's AGM, or another suitable event. The winner receives a €500 cash prize and one year's SCI membership. The selection is undertaken by a panel including academics and industrialists.

Eligibility Criteria

    • Major contribution in some aspect of chemistry relevant to Irish industry
    • Assessed on the quality of a publication, poster or patent from the previous year, on which the nominee's name appears
    • Supervisor asserts that they have made the major contribution
    • Only SCI student (or prospective student) members are eligible to apply
    • Applications will not be considered from e-members
    Career Stage
    • Early-career - Young scientists (PhD student or undergraduate) in Ireland
    • Chemistry
    • Ireland
    • Industry


Frequency Annual

Additional Information

Code of Ethics for Members

Other SCI Awards

Messel Travel Bursary

Messel Bursaries are funded by the Messel Trust Fund for postgraduate students to support their attendance at meetings and/or laboratory visits for activities related to chemical science (including all life sciences), engineering and technology.

AJ Banks Travel Bursary

The AJ Banks Award provides bursaries to support attendance at meetings for activities related to food science, engineering and technology.