Reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint

23 July 2020 | Muriel Cozier

Syngenta’s Good Growth Plan has climate change and biodiversity at its core.

Syngenta Group has launched its new Good Growth Plan, with the focus on tackling climate change and the loss of biodiversity to help the agricultural sector recover from the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 restrictions.

Syngenta said that its plan included ‘bold new commitments to reduce agriculture’s carbon footprint and help farmers’ deal with the extreme weather patterns caused by climate change.’

‘The coronavirus pandemic has revealed the fragility of the agriculture ecosystem…As the economy and agriculture begin to build back with the gradual easing of the Covid-19 restrictions, we need to support a recovery for farmers that puts the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss at its core,’ said Erik Fyrwald, Chief Executive Officer at the Syngenta Group.

Under the new Good Growth Plan, Syngenta Group is committed to investing $2 billion in sustainable agriculture by 2025 and to deliver new technological breakthroughs to market each year.  The specific commitments in the new plans are divided into four areas: Accelerate innovation for farmers and nature, strive for carbon neutral agriculture, helping people stay safe and healthy and partnering for impact. The company is also committed to reducing the carbon intensity of its operations by 50% by 2030, supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Highlighting its global focus Syngenta is partnering with the Solidaridad Network which is focused on implementing sustainable solutions at scale which will allow farming communities to achieve food security across a number of developing regions. One such project is focused on coffee growers in Columbia, which aims to help small holders increase their incomes by 25% by tackling the coffee borer beetle.

Syngenta’s Good Growth Plan, launched during 2013, has achieved or exceeded all targets, including bringing more than 14 million hectares of farmland back from the brink of degradation and enhancing biodiversity on more than eight million hectares of farmland.

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