SCI® is continuing to focus on delivering our charitable objectives, working at the interface between science and industry, supporting and promoting scientific innovation into industry for the benefit of society. SCI® carries out many activities in support of its charitable objectives and these cover awards, conferences and events, scientific publishing, careers support and policy and strategy work.
SCI® relies on the support and involvement of its active and dedicated Members, who contribute their valuable time, experience, and energy to developing and running many activities for the Society. All Governance Committee Members work as an integral part of the SCI® team and successful applicants will find these important roles rewarding in that they support both the current operations and help shape the future of SCI®.
If you feel you have relevant experience and a passion for promoting scientific innovation, then please do consider standing for election. The Board of Trustees is keen to ensure diversity of representation across gender, race, and age.
2025 positions available:
Governance committee places available for nominations this year are as follows:
- Eight (8) Ordinary Members of the Board of Trustees (BoT)
- One (1) Chair of the Finance and Investments Advisory Committee (FIAC)
- Two (2) Ordinary Members of the Finance and Investments Advisory Committee (FIAC)
- Two (2) Ordinary Members of the Membership Sub Committee (MC)
- Two (2) Ordinary Members of the Publications Sub Committee (PC)
Board of Trustee Nominations
All nominees for Trustee positions must upload two completed Trustee Sponsor Forms in addition to their Nomination Form. Both sponsors need to be a fully paid up SCI Members in good standing, and one must be currently serving on BoT, FIAC, the Membership Committee (MC), the Publications Committee (PC) or the Careers Committee (CC) at the time of the nomination being submitted. Please note that e-Members are not eligible to stand for elected posts.
Nominations submitted after the deadline cannot be accepted. Please complete the Nomination Form and remember to upload all the relevant documents before this deadline. Completed Trustee Sponsor Forms must also be included in the Nomination Form by this date.
More details and guidance on the nomination procedures can be found here (SCI Nomination Procedures: Guidance Notes 2025). You can start your process here (AGM 2025: Governance Nominations).
Nomination format
Nominations are now accepted by electronic submission only. There is no option to submit forms via post. The electronic nominations system allows you to register your nomination online quickly, with all required documents being available as you go through the process.
Related Links:
- Governance Nominations
- SCI Nomination Procedures: Guidance Notes 2025
- Role of the SCI Board of Trustees
- Trustee Skills and Competency Matrix
- Trustee Eligibility Declaration - PDF
- Trustee Eligibility Declaration - DOC
- Code of Ethics for Governance Structure
- Diversity Policy
- Terms of reference for the Finance and Investments Committee (FIAC)
- Finance and Investments Committee (FIAC) Skills and Competency Matrix
- Terms of reference for Membership Committee (MC)
- Terms of reference for Publications Committee (PC)
- SCI's 144th AGM - Wednesday 2 July 2025