Bioplastics Processing and Properties - Conference Papers

Loughborough University , 23 April 2009

This is the first conference in the UK to address issues associated with the use of bioplastics as they enter the mainstream of the plastics industry. This one day meeting focused on the industrial utilisation of biorenewable polymers. This allowed key business people from the plastics and packaging industry, and scientists involved in bioplastics research and applications development, to gain an overview of bioplastic processing and properties, focusing on commercially available bioplastics such as Cellulosics, Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) and Thermoplastic Starch Polymer (TSP).



Introduction by chair for morning session
John Williams, Technology Transfer Manager, Polymers & Materials, NNFCC


PLA structure and properties (pdf 2.8Mb)
Robert Haan, Senior Polymer Technician, Purac Biochem bv


Development of a new High Performance Cellulose Based Material
Oral poster presentation by Raquel Arevalo, Queen Mary University of London


Mater Bi renewable and compostable polymers for new technologies
Stefano Facco, New Business Development Manager, Novamont SpA


Composites from renewable raw materials
Professor Ton Peijs, Queen Mary University of London


Effect of Processing Conditions on Biopolymer-Layered Silicate Nanocomposite Micromorphology (pdf 1.6Mb)
Oral poster presentation by Andy McLauchlin, Loughborough University Department of Materials


Framework for the bioplastics market in Europe, now and in the future (pdf 2.2Mb)
Marcel Dartee, Vice President, European BioPlastics


Introduction by chair for afternoon session
Noreen Thomas, Senior Lecturer, Loughborough University Department of Materials


End of life scenarios for bioplastics (pdf 1.6Mb)
John Williams, Technology Transfer Manager, Polymers & Materials, NNFCC


Bioplastic packaging film replacing conventional plastics (pdf 3.5Mb)
Andy Sweetman, Market Development Manager, Sustainable Technologies, Innovia Films Ltd.


Furanics for Plastics - Sugar-Derived Polymers by Chemical Catalysis (pdf 1.7Mb)
Oral poster presentation by Ed de Jong, Avantium Technologies BV


Sharing Experiences of Bioplastic Processing (pdf 200Kb)
Jan Czerski, Technology Translator, Materials KTN


Biopolymer processing (pdf 1.3Mb)
Paul Bullock, Sales Manager, Reifenhauser EXTRUSION GmbH & Co KG


How masterbatches can enable processing of biopolymers (pdf 2.7Mb)
Marcel Dartee, Market Development, BioPolymers, PolyOne

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