Agrisciences Group visit to Rothamsted, 14 July 2015

11 May 2015

The SCI Agrisciences Committee have planned a visit to Rothamsted for the afternoon on Tuesday, 14 July 15. The visit will provide an opportunity to see something of what is going on in the newly created ‘Rothamsted Innovation Hub’.

The programme will be flexible in order to cater for the various interests of our group, but there will also be an opportunity to meet and discuss their work with other Rothamsted staff, and to tour the glasshouse facilities. Following the recent appointment of a new director,  the direction of the Institute’s  research in some areas are likely to change, with more emphasis on applied research, especially in the area of soils and plant nutrition.  

Members from Horticulture, Food and Environment, Health and Safety groups are invited to join Agrisciences members.  At the moment no charge is envisaged, but those intending to join the visit will need to register on line through the SCI website so that a list of visitors can be provided to Rothamsted for security reasons.

Dr Derek Hollomon
Agrisciences Group Committee

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