The 11th Conference on Multiphase Flow was organised by the Multiphase Flow Engineering Section of ANIMP (Italian Association of Industrial Plant Engineering) together with Università degli Studi di Palermo (Department of Chemical, Process and Materials Engineering) and AIDIC (Italian Association of Chemical Engineering). It was a useful forum on multiphase flow technology for researchers and engineers working in different scientific and industrial fields.
The conference covered the dynamics of multiphase systems, mixing and separation systems, numerical methods for multiphase flow simulation, measurement, control and simulation of flow parameters and powder technology.
I found the lectures were presented by outstanding speakers from industry and academia. There were three keynote lectures on different aspects of multiphase flow and powder technology, 42 oral presentations and about 60 posters within the three days of the symposium. There were over 250 attendees from some 25 countries.
The conference programme was structured to facilitate networking and scientific exchange, and for me, the best-ever technical event. I was glad that common lunch areas were reserved for participants as well as an evening event away from the conference venue.
Attending the conference was a very good opportunity for me. I learnt how to present my research at an international level, and the event provided a platform to update and broaden my knowledge in my field of study.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank SCI’s Process Engineering Group for the AJ Banks Travel Bursary for its financial support towards my travel expenses.