DSA Honour for Andy Kerridge

14 May 2015

Andy Kerridge has been a member of SCI’s Food Group in one form or another for over 25 years. Andy has been selected to receive a Distinguised Service Award, which will be presented to him at the 134th SCI AGM. Here Andy talks about his experience as an acitve SCI member.

When and how did you become a member of SCI?
Over 25 years ago, and at that time, the particular section was the Meat Panel, part of the then Food Group.  I knew a number of the existing members because of my MSc at the then Meat Research Institute at Bristol

Why did you decide to get involved in committee work?
It was a great chance to keep in touch with those closely involved in meat research, and then food research, which were (and continue to be) relevant to my day to day work

What has driven your continued involvement?
I have enjoyed working with the people who have participated in the committee over the years.  I have especially enjoyed the Young Scientists competitions and seeing the winners progress in their careers

How has being involved in SCI activities had an impact on your professional career?
The connections I have made through SCI Food Group have been, and continue to be, very useful to me in my professional life. The committee membership has widened my horizons into other areas of the food industry, and especially into areas of research that I would not otherwise have been aware of.

How do your SCI activities reflect your personal/professional interests?
They reflect more my professional interests.  The lack of a local Regional Group is unfortunate, despite efforts to revive this.  I feel I have missed out on the full SCI experience in this regard, as I believe Regional Groups are very important in the cross-fertilisation between different sectors of the chemistry using industries.

What motivates you to participate in SCI activities?
Connections are very important in business, and building a network outside your area of expertise and employment is probably one of the most important learnings I would pass on.

How do you think that your contribution has helped shaped SCI?
There has undoubtedly been evolution of the Society and Food Group during my 25 years:  expansion and contraction to meet the changing times.  SCI faces a considerable challenge to make sure that it is relevant to the needs of the 21st Century, in terms of attendance at events, and particularly membership.    

What are your thoughts about receiving a Distinguished Service Award?
I am of course honoured, everyone likes receiving positive recognition.  It can sound trite to say an award is unexpected, but in this case was true and therefore all the more pleasurable to receive.

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