Peter Hambleton receives SCI’s Lampitt Medal

A member of SCI for over twenty years, Peter Hambleton received the Lampitt Medal on Wednesday 25 November 2009 at a celebratory dinner. The Medal recognises significant and outstanding service by a member towards achieving the SCI’s charitable aims and objectives.

What made you become an SCI member?
PH: I was invited by our present Chairman, Jack Melling, to become an editor for the Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (JCTB) back in 1982. I had the idea that there could be benefits to linking the journal more closely to the activities of the SCI’s Biotechnology Group. It seemed appropriate that I should join SCI to facilitate this.

What has driven your long-term involvement with SCI?
PH: I have always found my work with JCTB to be interesting and challenging. This, and my involvement in the Biotechnology Group lead serendipitously to my developing a range of contacts within SCI, in academe and in industry. Today we call this networking, but for me, this was just an unplanned benefit.

After serving on the old Publications Committee I felt I could perhaps contribute something more to SCI and so stood for election to the new Publications Advisory Committee (PAC). Somehow rapid ‘promotion’ led to Trustee status and membership of the Finance and Investment Advisory Committee.

Are you still excited about participating in SCI activities after all these years?
PH: Oh yes, especially our publication activities which are so important in both financial and branding terms to the Society. Also, it is very stimulating to work with my fellow Trustees and advisory committee members whose experience I learn from and who contribute so much to SCI.

Where do you see SCI’s biggest opportunities in the future?
PH: These are slightly difficult times in the charity sector and my first wish is to see SCI navigate the bumpy seas successfully and restore its financial strength. As a trustee I would wish SCI to be seen as a significant sponsor of young people in chemistry-based science and industry; as an influential promoter of science in industry and as the membership society for anyone developing their career in the chemistry and biotechnology industries.

Finally, how do you feel about being recognised as a Lampitt Medallist?
PH: Gob-smacked is probably the most apt description. It is a great honour to receive the Lampitt Medal and when I look at the roll call of previous recipients I still can’t quite work out how I was nominated!

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