
Close to 80 electrochemistry researchers from UK and overseas attended the Electrochem08 conference in Liverpool, 15 - 17September 2008. The event, organised by SCI, sought to promote recent advances in electrochemistry and the practical application of electrochemical techniques.

During the conference, oral and poster communications were presented in the following areas: nanoscale electrochemistry, electrochemical sensing, redox active materials, energy generation and storage as well as the environmental applications of electrochemistry.

The conference gave me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge in electrochemistry. In particular, lectures based on ‘real-life’ applications captured my attention, as they are rarely presented at research conferences, Arun Arora, who presented on drinking water monitoring, and Andrew Campen, who delivered the lectures about wastewater treatment, were among the more notable speakers.

I delivered an oral presentation (Donal Leech, Joanna Hajdukiewicz – Enzyme-Amplified Amperometric DNA Hybridization Assay Based on Bioelectrocatalysis Using Redox-Polymer Modified Electrodes), which gave me some good experience on refining my presentation skills as it was my first oral communication at an international conference.
Other benefits gleaned from my experiences included networking and the potential for future collaborations.

Joanna Hajdukiewicz
National University of Ireland

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