Congratulations to SCI Travel Bursary Recipients 2014

28 May 2014

Did you know that SCI offers financial support to early career members who are planning to travel to a conference or site visit related to their studies?

This year's travel bursary applications (for travel between July and December 2014) were assessed by the Early Careers Support Sub Committee and we are pleased to announce that fifteen of the applicants have been awarded bursaries towards their attendance at a conference where they will be presenting either a poster or a paper.

The recipients come from a range of universities from different areas of the UK (plus one from Canada) and represent a range of scientific backgrounds. Two of the recipients will be attending conferences in the UK, both relating to food science. The other thirteen will be travelling across the globe with the majority heading to conferences in the USA and Canada, and some will be going as far afield as Asia, South Africa and Australia, so they will be guaranteed to meet an international audience.

Reflecting SCI's multidisciplinary background the conference themes are wide ranging and span different areas of science from horticulture to organometallic chemistry; from ceramics to computational chemistry. Please see the tables below for more information:


Name Conference
Daniel Dawson,
University of St Andrews
56th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance,
Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA
Daniel Phillips,
University of Warwick
248th ACS National Meeting and Exhibition: Chemistry and Global Stewardship,
San Francisco, California, USA
Jonathan Macdonald,
The Institute of Cancer Research
248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition,
San Francisco, California, USA
David Liptrot,
University of Bath
Gordon Organometallic Chemistry Conference and Seminar,
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Jonathan Verrett,
McGill University
8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 8),
Beijing, China
Katrina Kramer
Queen Mary University of London
XXVI International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC 2014),
Sapporo, Japan
Marc Reid,
University of Strathclyde
XXVI International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry,
Sapporo, Japan
Michael Limb,
University of Bristol
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) & Gordon Research Seminar (GRS): Computational Chemistry,
Mount Snow Resort, West Dover, Vermont, USA


Jessica Breen,
University of Leeds
248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition - Chemistry & Global Stewardship,
San Francisco, California, USA
Xiaojing Chen,
Queen Mary University of London
The 5th International Congress on Ceramics,
Beijing, China


Angela Gonzalez De Castro,
University of Liverpool
ISACS 14 Challenges in Organic Chemistry,
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, China

AJ Banks:

Lucie Pfaltzgraff,
University of York
5th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry,
Durban, South Africa
Sandra Landahl,
Cranfield University
The International Horticultural Congress,
Brisbane, Australia
Hamung Patel,
King's College London
The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2014,
University of Glasgow, UK
Omobolanle Oleyede,
University of Reading
Weurman Flavour Conference,
Queens' College, Silver Street, Cambridge, UK

All of this year's winners (and applicants) are current SCI members, so why not congratulate them on their award and get in touch with them via the Members' Directory? (you will need to sign in to view).

We look forward to hearing how they got on and reading their post-conference reports, which will be published on the SCI website in the coming months.

Applications will open in August for those that want to claim assistance with the cost of travel between 1 January and 30 June 2015.

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