Young Lipid Scientist Award winners 2014

20 Jun 2014

We had an excellent response to the first running of the SCI Young Lipid Scientist Award. There were thirteen entries covering the whole spectrum of lipid related sciences. Four students were invited to present at the Lipids Group AGM on Friday 6 June 2014.

These were (in alphabetical order):

  • Myrium Grundy, Kings College London, who talked about the digestion of almonds and how the cell walls are a significant barrier to releasing lipids into the digestive system.
  • David Shorthouse, University of Oxford, showed us computational models of cell membranes using a 'course-grained' method (which lumps together atoms) which enables large scale simulations to take place.
  • David Stewart, Loughborough University, showed videos of microscope images of crystallisation in lipid mixtures ('model' triplamitin and triolein and 'real' cocoa butter and hazelnut oil) which enables us to see polymorphic transformations.
  • Finally, Ioanna Zafeiri, University of Birmingham, talked about the development of Pickering emulsions stabilised by lipid nanoparticles (which are themselves prepared via an emulsion method).

The presentations covered very different subject areas but all four, pictured, were engaging and excellently delivered, but in the end the committee voted for David Shorthouse as this inaugural winner of the YLSA. Many congratulations to David!

Andy Stapley
Chair, Lipids Group

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