First Call for Nominations - 2019 Rideal Lecture

09 January 2018

9 Jan 2018

The SCI Colloid & Surface Chemistry & RSC Colloid & Interface Science Groups are calling for nominations for the 2019 Sir Eric Rideal(Founder’s) Award & Lecture: a late career/lifetime achievement award in colloid & interface science.

The Rideal Lecture is a late-career or life-time achievement award for researchers and technologists who have made sustained and outstanding contributions to colloid and interface science or its applications.

To be eligible, candidates will normally have enjoyed a professional career of more than 30 years’ duration, much of it in the UK, even if not UK-based currently. The nomination of scientists and technologists living overseas is not precluded. However, to be eligible, overseas candidates should be well known to the UK colloid and interface community and will have had a substantial and widely recognised impact upon it, e.g. by way of sustained collaborations, and will have been a regular visitor to, or resident of, the UK.

The deadline for nominations is 1 March 2018.

Proposers and seconders must be members of one of the two sponsoring special interest groups (SCI’s CSCG or RSC’s CISG), although candidates need not themselves be members necessarily. The Lecture will most likely be given at a dedicated mini-symposium in early to mid 2019.

The names of proposers and seconders, once logged, will be redacted before the nominations are put in front of the Joint Colloids Group Committee for selection. A decision will be made on the basis of the case made by the proposers, together with what is known about the candidates in the public domain.

The Committee reserves the right to make no award in the event of there being no suitable candidate for the award.

Those intending to propose a candidate are encouraged to contact the Award Coordinator (Prof. Joseph Keddie, e-mail: ) for guidance regarding eligibility before submitting their nomination.

Further information and links to an on-line nomination form can be found at the following web-pages:

Sir Eric Rideal Lecture

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