Scholar Moni Gupta presents her end of year report

21 Aug 2015

At the end of their first year, SCI's Scholars present an end of year report to SCI. Read on to find out more about what Moni has done in her first year as a Scholar.

It has been a wonderful experience being an SCI scholar over the past year. It has given me a platform where useful interactions and networking has motivated me to direct my research career. Presenting my work at SCI's Members' Forum provided me an opportunity to discuss my research work with wider audiences. These interactions helped me understand a broader perspective on the applications and impact of my work. Networking with industrialists and entrepreneurs in various events like the Members' Forum, college of scholars' lunch, day of science and careers and the SCI AGM gave me the much needed exposure to the industrial world. I have also attended many guest lecture series and events organized by the SCI Cambridge and Great Eastern regional group. Following the Group's AGM, I have also volunteered to organize some future events.

Academically, I got an opportunity to attend conferences and symposia. It was very useful presenting my work to the peers from my field and learning from their work. I have presented posters in the 15th Tetrahedron Symposium and in the Chemprobe: COST action CM1004 scientific meeting. Moreover, I will be presenting my ongoing research work in the 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition in San Francisco, California, US.

Apart from academic life, I am also involved in various extracurricular activities. I have been elected as the college green officer and I was involved in organizing Indian cultural events in Cambridge in collaboration with SPIC-MACAY (The Society for the promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth),CUICAS (Cambridge University Indian Classical Arts Society), and Sakhya: Cambridge friends of India. I have also been involved in helping GEN (Grassroots Empowerment Networks) and EP (End Poverty) for development of rural sector in India. During my visit to India in December 2013 I, along with my friends, organized science outreach activities in New Delhi and Patna, India. We attempted introducing school students to the wonderful world of scientific research and inspire them to take up scientific careers to solve real world problems. Separate workshops were also organized to motivate young girls towards higher education. As a result of my academic and social involvements, I was awarded the National Women Excellence Award (Nav Kiran Award) in India by the Women's International Network under a special category, Role Models for the Future on the 25 November 2013. Further in Cambridge, I volunteered to help in organizing Chemistry department open day in science festival. In the future, I would like to stay and explore more in research. At the same time, I would like to work for the improvement of education in India.

Moni Gupta

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