Seligman APV Travel Bursary Recipient, Christian Hertwig, Reports from Quebec

7 Aug 2015

Christian Hertwig was an awarded a Seligman APV Travel Bursary in 2015. Here, he reports on his attendance at the 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food, which took place between 14 – 18 June in Quebec and tells us why attending this conference was an invaluable experience for his scientific career.

‘From June 14-18, 2015 in Quebec, Canada, I attended the 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12). The ICEF is a major conference for food scientists and engineers and is held only every four years. Its goal is to exchange new scientific knowledge of food engineering and promote the interaction between professionals from academia, industry and government. Moreover, it ensures that future challenges for the food industry are anticipated and discussed and that food engineers provide adequate and innovative solutions.

‘The conference covered more than twelve topics regarding food engineering and food science, modeling in food engineering, sustainable engineering and emerging technologies and novel processes. On the above topics many interesting lessons were given by over 30 keynote speakers and other leading-edge speakers from industry and academia.

‘During the poster session I was given the opportunity to present my posters entitled ‘mpact of gas composition on the inactivation mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis spores on structured surfaces during cold atmospheric pressure plasma treatment’ and ‘Inactivation mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis spores in aqueous solution related to remote plasma treatment’. My research received great interest of many attendees. Furthermore, it was a good opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas with other scientists working in similar areas.

‘The poster ‘Inactivation mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis spores in aqueous solution related to remote plasma treatment’ was selected to take part in the poster competition. This gave me the possibility to present and discuss my research with renowned scientists of the poster judging committee. I achieved the poster award in the section ‘Emerging technologies and novel processes’ which would not have been possible without the support of SCI.

‘That is why, finally, I would like to express my gratitude to SCI for the financial help it has given me. The receipt of ICEF12 – Seligman APV Travel Grant allowed me to attend a world-class conference. The ICEF12 was a great chance for me to network and meet scientists and professionals from all over the world and was an invaluable experience for me and my scientific career.’

Christian Hertwig, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim, Germany

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