SCI Seligman Travel Bursary Report - Irfan Ahmad Ansari

15 April 2004

16 April 2004

It was the first opportunity of my life to visit the United Kingdom under the Seligman APV Bursary awarded to me by SCI.

Several visits to academic and research organisations were arranged. I was based at the School of Food Biosciences at the University of Reading. I subsequently visited the University of Cambridge (Department of Chemical Engineering), University of Bristol (Department of Mechanical Engineering), University of Birmingham (Department of Chemical Engineering) and Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA). These visits gave me an opportunity to interact, discuss and share the experiences of reputed scientists like Mr Andrew Wilbey, Dr Keshavan Niranjan, Dr Alistair Grandison, Dr Mike Lewis, Dr PJ Fryer, Dr Ian Wilson, Dr Joe Quarini and Philip Richardson.

Mr Wilbey, Dr Grandison and Dr Lewis explained to me various dairy operations, manufacturing technology of different dairy products, fruit juice concentration and canning operation. They also explained to me the operation of pilot plants available in the laboratory. Dr Alistair Grandison guided me to conduct some practical experiments on canning operation and Dr Ashok Khare educated me on the working of various advanced food processing equipment available on site. I also extensively used the library facilities and collected relevant literature for my research work. The stay at Reading also allowed me to understand the concept of important hygienic practices followed in UK academic institutions.

In Birmingham, I attended a conference on ‘Career in Food Industry’, which gave me an exposure to the UK food manufacturing industry.

The visits to Cambridge and Bristol University gave me an opportunity to learn about advanced food processing operations and cleaning and hygienic aspects of the food industry. Dr Ian Wilson explained in detail about thermal processing and milk fouling which is a major problem in the dairy industry.

The visit to Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA) introduced me to thermal processing and the latest emerging technologies like High Pressure Technology and Pulsed Light Technology, which are used in product and process development. Dr Tucker introduced me to various modern food processing equipment available at CCFRA. I also learned about Time Temperature Indictor (TTI) which is normally used for validation of thermal processing.

These visits have undoubtedly given me a much needed exposure to the international institutions which are engaged in providing first class research and teaching in the subject of food science and technology. They have also provided me an opportunity to learn about the Rail and Road transport mechanism of the UK, and also given me an opportunity to visit important cities such as London, Cambridge, Birmingham and Bristol. To summarise, this bursary will help me immensely in building up my professional career.

Finally, I take this opportunity to thank SCI for awarding me this bursary, in particular to Dr Richard Denyer (General Secretary and Chief Executive), Graham Byars (Seligman Trust Management Committee Chairman), Dr Keshavan Niranjan (Food Engineering Group Chairman), Dr Ian Wilson (Food Engineering Group Secretary), Monica Iglesias (Awards Coordinator) and Lizzy Ray (Publicity Officer). Lastly, I also wish express my sincere gratitude to Dr Ashok Khare (University of Reading), for his wholehearted help and support during the tenure of this bursary.

Irfan Ahmad Ansari
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

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