20 Dec 2011
The SCI Bristol and South West group held a joint meeting with the RSC Bristol and District Section on Wednesday, 23 November 2011. The evening started with the 2011 SCI student prize-giving ceremony and the group was delighted to welcome Dr Jack Melling, chairman of the SCI Board of Trustees, to introduce SCI and present the prizes.
Earlier this year, as part of their degree course in chemistry with industrial experience, 19 students gave presentations on their industrial placements at the Rothwell Symposium. The three best presentations each gained a prize of £100, a sealed certificate and a year's membership of the Society sponsored by the Bristol and South West group.
Dr John Emsley then gave a splendid lecture, which posed the question 'Sustainable Britain - 2050?' He described the various techniques and processes to show how chemistry could make sustainability possible by 2050 and concluded with his trademark ending: 'Chemists work wonders but not miracles. They should be proud that they can end hunger, disease, pollution and poverty but it relies heavily on young people with vision'. John Emsley then answered many questions from the audience. Those who have not heard John Emsley's lecture are recommended to read his book, A Healthy, Wealthy and Sustainable Britain.
The evening ended with a fork buffet supper with the SCI prizewinners and their partners as guests of the Society.
Raymond Holland