Canada awards dinner 2012

9 May 2012

On 29 March 2012, SCI Canada, in partnership with The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), hosted another successful annual CIC/SCI awards dinner, preceded by the second annual afternoon seminar series on Green, Clean, and Sustainable Chemistry, in Toronto.

At the awards dinner, the following prestigious awards were presented:

  • The Canada Medal for outstanding service to a Canadian industry based on chemistry, for its processes or services to Sandy Marshall
  • The Kalev Pugi Award for R&D projects that embody creativity, determination, good experimental design and project management to Theo van de Ven
  • The LeSueur Memorial Award for developing technical excellence to Robert Pelton
  • The Purvis Memorial Award for major contribution to the development and implementation of strategies which have strengthened Canadian industry or academic or research institutions in the field of chemistry to Richard Berry
  • The International Award to acknowledge outstanding service to industry based on chemistry, for its processes and/or services in the international sphere to John van Leeuwen

Student Merit Awards were presented to:

  • Daniel Ball, Jonathan Cook, Jillian Fischer, Alex Fitzsimmons, Scott Genin, Richard Huang, Kelsey Jack, Leayen Lam, Michael Leeson, Kylie O'Donnell, Justin Pang, Eleonora Petryayeva, Ankit Rastogi, Logan Verhelst.

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