22 Nov 2012
The Lightweight and Recyclable Aggregates event, organised by the Construction Materials Group was held on 15 November 2012 and attended by over 60 delegates.
Available Conference Papers
- Programme/Flyer
- The production and uses of furnace bottom ash, Robert Carroll, UKQAA, UK
- Advances in the processing and use of incinerator bottom ash and glass cullet, Adam Day, Day Aggregates
- The manufacture and uses of expanded clay aggregate, Xavier Kestermont, Argex
- Pumice, the natural lightweight aggregate, Osman Topcu, Ecoponce Sam
- Experiences of using lightweight aggregates in the development of concrete roofing tiles, John Fifield, CRH plc
- The research and development that created, SILEC-G, and expanded glass structural lightweight aggregate, Bert Bingham and Mike Evans, Claylite