Imtiaz Hussein: career opportunities for young talent

13 December 2011

13 Dec 2011

Who or what first stimulated your interest in science? And how old were you?
My father has a business of agriculture. He developed an interest in science for me.  I was 16 years old at that time.

Do you have a science hero?
Dr Abdul Salam (got Nobel Prize in physics).

Why did you decide to pursue a science career?
I like science subjects. Therefore, it was easier to pursue a career in science for me.

What attracted you to your degree course(s)?
Rheology and microstructure of dairy products.

How would you persuade young people that science offers interesting and worthwhile career opportunities?
Science always has career opportunities for young talent and energetic people. If you have ideas, you can develop a successful career in science.

How did you come to join SCI and why?
SCI is very good platform for young scientists and early stage researchers.  Some of my colleagues inspired me about the benefits of SCI. Therefore, I joined SCI.

Is SCI helping you develop your career and how?

Is there more that SCI could do to help you and others developing careers in science?
SCI provides financial support to attend the conferences.

If you could do one thing to improve the image of science what would it be?
Make it easier and friendly to ordinary people.

Where do you hope your career will take you in 5 years time?
Maybe at Professor level.

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