SCI Scholar Nicholas Race

07 August 2013

7 Aug 2013

Nicholas Race was born in London in 1987 but grew up in Leicester, where he took A-Levels in music, maths, biology and chemistry at Leicester Grammar School. His interest in science was inspired by an engaging chemistry teacher during this time.

In 2006, Nick began his undergraduate studies in chemistry at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. In recognition of his achievement in examinations he was awarded two college scholarships for first class results in Part 1A and 1B exams. He undertook his final year research project with Prof Timothy Donohoe exploring olefin cross metathesis as a method for the synthesis of substituted pyrroles (Org. Lett., 2010, 12, 4094). In 2010, Nick achieved a First Class MChem degree in which he was also awarded the Brian Bannister Prize for 'best final year project thesis'. In addition to his studies, Nick was Organ Scholar at St Edmund Hall and performed in numerous recitals on both the organ and piano.

In 2010, Nick began his postgraduate studies at the University of Bristol as a member of the Bristol Chemical Synthesis Centre for Doctoral Training. In 2011, he commenced his research project under the supervision of Dr John Bower. His work focuses on the metal-catalysed cyclisation of activated oxime esters onto alkenes to deliver chiral nitrogen heterocycles. Nitrogen-containing heterocycles are very important in drug molecules and the development of new methods for the formation of '3D' molecular structures containing nitrogen are of particular relevance to the pharmaceutical industry.

Outside the lab, Nick is an accomplished pianist and organist. He has performed in many concerts, including performing two Mozart piano concertos with the Leicestershire Sinfonia. He has also been privileged to play for services in many cathedrals around the UK, notably Bath Abbey, Wells and Gloucester. He is currently a freelance organist in the Bristol area.

Nicholas Race
University of Bristol

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