20 March 2020
The 2020 Westminster Medal was awarded to Sarah Houston, from the Institute of Oph-thalmology, University College London, for her poster, using the eye as a window to the brain in multiple sclerosis.
The annual STEM for Britain event, hosted by the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee, offers early career scientists the opportunity to showcase their posters to a set of judges. This event wishes to encourage a positive relationship between early career scientists and their MPs, providing a platform for scientists to discuss their innovative work.
The event united researchers from multiple disciplines with parliamentarians, building the bridge to bring science and government together. The event will hopefully encourage and inspire future dialogue between the two parties to tackle some of the most complex global challenges.
Posters were presented in five categories: engineering, biological and biomedical sciences, mathematical sciences, chemistry, and physics.
This year, Sarah was presented with the Westminster Medal, which is given to the scientist who best communicated her research to an esteemed panel of judges on 9 March 2020.
The results in each category were:
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Gold Award: Sarah Houston, University College London, Using the eye as a window to the brain in multiple sclerosis
Gold Award : Tomas Ysehak Abay, City, University of London, Development of a non-invasive intracranial pressure (NICP) monitor for neurocritical care patients
Mathematical Sciences
Gold Award Luiza Mihaela Paun, University of Glasgow, Parameter inference and uncertainty quantification in the pulmonary circulation
Physical Sciences: Chemistry
Gold Award: Florence Gregson, University of Bristol, Spheres or cubes - how do salt droplets dry?
Physical Sciences: Physics
Gold Award: Lui Terry, University of Bristol Confining hydrogen: a low energy route to room temperature superconductivity