The Mary Rose: Fighting Corrosion on a Fighting Ship - Event Preview

11 September 2018

Venue: UCL, London, UK
Date: Thursday 25 October 2018

Managing corrosion is a challenge for industry and academia and has applications in a number of different industrial sectors, for oil and gas to automotive and biomedical. This free evening event includes presentations exploring corrosion treatments and controls from two very different perspectives, followed by a networking reception at 19:30.

Characterising Marine Archaeological Iron Degradation: Worth a Shot? Dr Eleanor Schofield, Mary Rose Trust

The excavation of Henry VIII's Mary Rose in 1982 produced a vast collection of Tudor iron artefacts, which can survive in marine environments where the exposure to oxygen is limited. This presentation will describe how different corrosion treatments on iron shots have been explored, and how this information will inform our future conservation strategies.

Coatings and Cathodic Protection – The Dynamic Duo, Jim Glynn, Institute of Corrosion, and BEANNY Ltd

The presentation will take a high level, light hearted look at how these two corrosion control tools make the world a better and safer place.

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