Update from the 133rd SCI AGM

22 Jul 2014

The newly finished Auditorium was unveiled for the 133rd SCI AGM on 2 July 2014 and Members were delighted with the new look. Dr Jack Melling commenced the programme by presenting the Distinguished Service Awards to Dr John Blachford, Mrs Marie Connor and Mr Christopher Drew.

The SCI Scholars 2014; Alistair Farley, Michael Limb and Nicholas Race followed with presentations of their research to Members. For further information on SCI Scholars, please visit the awards section using the link below.

The AGM noted the unopposed election of:

  • The Chair of the Finance & Investments Advisory Committee  - John Brown
  • Ordinary Members of the Finance and Investments Advisory Committee  - Pauline Allen, Geoff Fowler, Peter Grimbly and Jack Melling. 
  • Ordinary Members of the Membership Affairs Committee  - Giuliamonica Leonardi and Sharon Williams
  • Ordinary Members of the Publications Advisory Committee  - Simon Beaumont, Peter Grimbly, Peter Hambleton and Jack Melling.

The Chair announced the results of the Chair of the Publications Advisory Committee and Board of Trustees election. David Reid was elected as Chair of the Publications Advisory Committee winning the post by 8 votes. He will also join the Board of Trustees in his new ex-officio role as Chair of PAC.

Alan Baylis, Thomas Moore and Jeffrey Powell were elected as Ordinary Members of the BoT.

The AGM approved the 2013 Trustees' report and financial statements which is available via the link below*

Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP were re-appointed as Auditors until the conclusion of the 2015 AGM.

Membership subscriptions for 2015 remain unchanged at the same rate as 2014.

Members also had the opportunity to visit the recently re-opened Council room following its refurbishment. 

Please note the 134th AGM will be on 1 July 2015.

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