Please Use Your Vote at the AGM 2015

6 Feb 2015

I will retire from the Chair of BoT in July having served my full fixed term, so cannot stand again. In addition to that position there will be 5 ordinary trustee vacancies as well as the chair of MAC which is an ex officio trustee position. There will also be vacancies for ordinary members of the Advisory Committees: FIAC (nine), MAC (seven) and PAC (nine).

In most years only some 7% of members use their vote, but given the importance of the forthcoming vacancies for the governance of SCI and the challenges we face, I hope that many more members than usual will participate in the 2015 elections. Accordingly, to try and stimulate more interest, from now until July we will share updates about the elections and the election process and of course later the candidate profiles will be issued.

For a healthy society it is vital that elected officers be accountable to the whole membership and the first step to achieving that accountability is member participation in elections as well as the other society activities.

Do please use your vote this year!

Jack Melling
Chairman, Board of Trustees

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