20 Dec 2013
We are working with the University of Nottingham to find SCI members with a passion for Green Chemistry to give a talk as part of the 2014 'Bench to Bank' Lecture series. The lectures, hosted by the University of Nottingham's School of Chemistry, are given by high profile speakers from industry, professional bodies and policy-makers. The talks were conceived by Trevor Farren and colleagues in the School’s Business Partnership Unit with the aim to give students and staff a chance to hear about the wider application of science and chemistry beyond traditional academic subjects. Students attending the course will be asked to produce an assessed report afterwards so speakers contributions are vital in helping these undergraduates to achieve their end result.
You don’t need a chemistry background to be considered for this opportunity but the talk will need to have some technical detail, ideally drawing from your own experience in this field. Examples of talk topics might include industrial biotechnology to make chemicals through biological routes, crop science (reducing environmental impacts of pesticides etc), chemical engineering of more sustainable processes, renewables, or health and safety and toxicology testing which could give a regulatory/policy slant.
Another topic of interest is shale gas, so if you, or a colleague or friend could present on how shale gas is being exploited sustainably, and with minimal risk to health and the environment, then that would be a very interesting topic.
Current dates open for lectures are:
- 30 January
- 13 or 27 February
- 13 or 27 March
If you think you fit the bill and would be keen to give a talk on one of these dates, please contact communications@soci.org with your proposed talk title and your preferred lecture date.
Talks start at 5pm and last for 45 mins plus 15 mins for questions. Reasonable travel expenses will be paid.
Related Links
- 'Bench to Bank' Lecture Series 2013
- Early Careers
- SCI East Midlands Group