New Guide to Chemical Services Model

24 Jun 2013

SCI Executive Director 2010-13, Joanne Lyall, is the SCI representative on the UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum (UKCSF). Set up in 2000, UKCSF is a DEFRA subcommittee and advises Government on how the industry should reduce the risks from hazardous chemicals to the environment and to human health through the environment.

In addition, the Forum has an advisory role to Government on REACH, which is the main EU Regulation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (adopted in December 2006).

The Chemicals Stakeholder Forum seeks to develop guidance on key aspects of chemicals management which can contribute to the overall goal of reducing the use of and exposure to hazardous chemicals in the workplace, the home and the wider environment.

The UKCSF has recently produced A Guide to Chemical Services to promote sustainability. The rationale for this is that under a linear model, the business incentive is to grow sales in order to generate maximum returns which can be in direct conflict with the drive for resource efficiency. Service-based models extend the business incentive for improved resource efficiency to the product itself and its delivery, leading to enhanced product durability and a reduction in waste.

This guide provides an easily accessible introduction to the chemical services model. It has been produced in order to influence stakeholder behaviour both at a national and international level in all parts of the supply chain. It will be of value to all those who are concerned about sustainability. The guide can be downloaded from the DEFRA website below.

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