Shaping the future of SCI

15 May 2014

The Membership Affairs Committee (MAC) is responsible for the needs and interests of SCI Members. Its overall aim is to advise the Board of Trustees (BoT) and the Executive on ways and means of enhancing the value of SCI membership from the Members' perspective.

Each year MAC has an open meeting that all members* are invited to attend. The 2014 meeting is from 11:30am on Thursday 12 June. During the meeting you will be able to learn how MAC can help members to benefit more from their membership, how you can become involved in putting these ideas into action and participate in the decision making process, as well as hear the vision that MAC has for SCI over the next few years. You are also encouraged to offer your perspectives on member benefits to the committee.

A light sandwich lunch will be provided after the meeting to enable networking with the committee and other members.

The Chair and committee members welcome the opportunity to share their work with the wider membership and encourage more participation and involvement in shaping the future of SCI. So, please reserve your place at the meeting using your link below.

* Please note e-Members are not eligible to attend.

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