The big issues?

31 Jan 2014

When it comes to change, you can run but you can't hide! Change in our external environment is inevitable and unrelenting. It brings challenge and risk, but also opportunities for those who are willing to grasp them. This is as true for we who work in the chemical industry, or are associated with it, as for any other section of business or society. So what are the big issues facing you and your organisation right now? And what can SCI and its network of related organisations do to support you in managing the challenges and risks and take full advantage of the opportunities?

As an example, recent Ofqual proposals would mean that A-level students would no longer be required to conduct practical experiments that contribute towards final grades in science subjects. Would this affect your industry/area? Should SCI be working with related organisations such as CaSE (the Campaign for Science and Engineering) to express the views of the applied chemistry community on such issues?

Over my first six months as Executive Director, I hope to meet with representatives from all of our Regional Groups, at events or meetings in their own regions, along with as many related companies, research institutions etc as possible to ask just these questions. So whether your issues relate to financing investments, funding for research, education and skills, government policy or other area we want to hear what you have to say. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me with your thoughts at E: I look forward to hearing from and talking with as many of you as possible.

Happy New Year!

Dr Juliet Corbett
Executive Director

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