2015 Standing Committee Open Meetings

25 Mar 2015

If you want to be involved in shaping the future of SCI, you can share your thoughts at the upcoming open Standing Committee meetings.

The chairs and members of the Publications Advisory Committee (PAC) and Membership Affairs Committee (MAC) invite SCI members* to join their open meetings. The Standing Committees value the input of Society members at open meetings and welcome the opportunity to share their work with the wider membership and to encourage more participation.

The PAC meeting will begin at 11:00am on Tuesday 12 May. Items for discussion on the agenda will include: progress on the new research journal publication contract; the SCI website; Early Career member posters; reports from Wiley on C&I and the research journals.

The MAC meeting is from 11:30am on Thursday 18 June. The meeting will offer you an opportunity to learn how MAC can help members to benefit more from their membership, how you can become involved in putting these ideas into action and participate in the decision making process. We will also share the vision that MAC has for SCI over the next few years and would welcome your contributions to this plan. The open meeting is a key opportunity for MAC to meet and exchange ideas with the wider membership. It is an opportunity not to be missed.

A light sandwich lunch will be provided after the meetings to enable you to network with the committees and other members.

We would also like to remind you that there are also places available on each Standing Committee for this year’s AGM, please put your name forward if you would like to be elected. Further details can be accessed via the link below.

* Please note e-Members are not eligible to attend.

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