Board of Trustees update: Dec 2011

5 Dec 2011

When your Board of Trustees last met on 16 November 2011, the key priority was to agree the rolling business plan for 2012-14 and the budget to implement this. The purpose of SCI is to be an inclusive, multidisciplinary forum connecting scientists and business people in order to advance the commercial application of chemistry and related sciences for public benefit.

Over 2012-14, we will:

  • Focus SCI activities and themes on areas where SCI has the knowledge and networks to add value: food and bio-renewables, water, waste and environment, energy, materials and manufacturing and health and well-being
  • Strengthen SCI's business voice through development of C&I as a multi-media platform and strengthen our international reputation as a trusted provider of knowledge to industry and academia by enhancing and expanding our publishing portfolio and related services
  • Be proactive in leveraging technology, media and collaborations to expand and improve our service delivery worldwide
  • Strengthen our impact by increasing engagement with key business influencers in the chemistry using industries as members, partners and sponsors;
  • Develop services tailored to the needs of particular groups of members including early career, mid-career and mature career/ retired
  • Ensure the long-term sustainability of SCI by enhancing the value of our assets (financial, premises, people and IP)

Financial and staff resources remain lean due to market conditions and so we will be continuing to seek restraint in expenditure, however, Trustees recognise the need to invest in publications, information communications technology and service development as well as marketing in order to ensure that SCI has a sustainable future and can continue to be a vibrant, relevant organisation which attracts scientists and business people who are keen to harness the power of chemistry and related sciences to improve the future.

If you missed the Members' Forum in November, you still have an opportunity to contribute your views on SCI's future direction via the online Forums (below) or by sharing your views with the chair of any SCI group or committee that you are involved in. You are also encouraged to tell others about SCI and what we offer so that we can expand the SCI network and our activities for the benefit of members and society.

Jack Melling, chairman, BoT

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