22 Jun 2016
Day of Science and Careers Scotland 2016: Made in Scotland - Applied Research and Manufacturing was held on Tuesday 31 May 2016 at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, and had 64 attendees. There were a number of high quality talks, discussion and networking sessions, which were enjoyed by all.
Available Presentations
- Chemical Industry - Developing Skills for the Chemical Sciences Sector - Ronnie Palin, Skills Development Scotland
- Personal Care Products and Pharmaceuticals - Developing Medicines - Helping People to Get Well, Feel Well and Stay Well - Colin Brown, Mentholatum Company
- Food Industry - An Unconventional Career Path - Ryan Cameron, Devro
- Environmental Care Technologies - My Career Path Since Graduating - Nicola Palmer, Scotmas Ltd
- Scottish Seaweed Industry - Me and an SME - Kirsty Black, Marine Biopolymers Ltd
- Bioprocessing Industry - Bunsens, Beer and Bugs...from Chemistry to Fermentation and Microbiology - Dr Alison Arnold, Ingenza Ltd
- Skills for Research and Industry - From Over the Counter Medicines to Biofuels and Neutraceuticals - Susanne Boyle, IBioiC