IEX 2014: Technical Training - Advanced Ion Exchange for Industrial Water Treatment

Advanced Ion Exchange for Industrial Water Treatment

17 July 2014

The Advanced Ion Exchange for Industrial Water Treatment course took place on 9-10 July at the University of Chester. This two day event featured 5 exhibitors and attracted over 20 delegates.

Please note the presentation papers for this course are only available for event delegates to view. If you did not receive a password or have mislaid it, please contact

Wednesday 9 July

Treated water quality and design specification
Rob Terrell, ABB Consulting
What information do you need when specifying a new plant? How should the duty be defined in order to get a plant which is correctly sized, efficient to operate, capable of producing the water quality and quantity you need reliably.
Design calculation by hand
Brian Windsor, Purolite Limited
How to conduct the basic calculations needed for a working design, including, for given raw water and produced water qualities, the selection of suitable resins, the process design and basic sizing of the vessels.
Introduction to design by computer
Marc Slagt, Dow Water and Process Solutions
How to approach the design of the same plant using design programmes available from the Ion Exchange companies. Where the dangers lie and what allowances and adjustments to make.
Demonstration 2: Modelling existing ion exchange plant
Brian Windsor, Purolite Limited
How to use one of the available design programmes to model an existing ion exchange plant, using the original design specification and showing how the current performance can be compared with the predicted performance.

Thursday 10 July

Ion exchange plant operation – monitoring and performance
Rob Terrell, ABB Consulting
Ion Exchange plants require routine monitoring if they are to achieve and maintain their design performance. This lecture discusses the data which should be collected and how to use it to assess the health of your plant by normalising the raw water quality.
Ion exchange resin recovery
Brian Windsor, Purolite Limited
It is always possible through cross contamination or mal-operation to contaminate ion exchange resin. When this happens, is it necessary to replace all the resin or are there recovery procedures which can be used?
Advanced troubleshooting
Brian Windsor, Purolite Limited
When your plant isn’t working as expected, what are the steps you can take to investigate the underlying problems and what tests can you conduct to confirm your diagnosis? Following some simple rules may save a lot of time investigating and prevent further damage.

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