Goodbye to David Naden

20 Jan 2011

It is with profound regret that SCI announces the sudden death of David Naden, a member of the Society for many years, during which he served on Council for a period of five years and was Chairman of the Separation Science and Technology Group. In addition, he was heavily involved in the organisation of the internationally recognised IEX conferences chairing the organisation of IEX 2008 and at the time of his death was chairman of the IEX 2012 organising committee. At the 2008 Conference, David initiated the inclusion of a two-day training course on ion exchange for industry. This new venture was very successful and plans are underway to hold three separate courses in conjunction with IEX2012.

The larger proportion of David's working career was with the Davy Group in NE England where he was recognised as being one of the Company's experts in the recovery of certain heavy metals from ores, many of the processes involving the use of ion exchange technology. In this capacity, he had regular contact with a number of companies in South Africa. In the early 1990s he joined Purolite International as Business Manager for the UK Region which included Australia and New Zealand. He later retired from full-time employment with Purolite but continued as a part-time technical consultant covering such areas as Pakistan, Scandinavia and the Middle East.

In recognition of David's long and devoted service to the SCI, the Awards Committee at their December meeting conferred a Distinguished Service Award.

Our sincere condolences are sent to Sue, David's widow, and all his family.

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