Distinguished Service Award Recipient Gordon Armstrong, featured on University of Limerick Website

Dr Gordon Armstrong was nominated by the SCI Materials Chemistry Committee for a 2016 DSA award, which was presented to him at the 135th SCI AGM on 6 July 2016. The University of Limerick’s Materials & Surface Science Institute, where Gordon is a Research Fellow, recognised his success and published an interview with him on their website. An extract of this can be read below.

Gordon joined SCI as a student and became actively involved in the Materials Chemistry Group and then Republic of Ireland Group in 2004-2005. He has served as Honorary Secretary of the Materials Chemistry Group, a founding member of the All-Ireland Group, and as Chair of the All Ireland Group for 2013-2014.

Speaking at the AGM Gordon said ‘It’s been a pleasure to take part in organising the wide range of events and meetings organised by both groups - often collaborating with research centres, universities and other societies across Ireland and the UK on topics of common interest. Among these, I’m especially pleased that the Irish Adhesives, Surface Science and Composites meeting, first held in 2011, has grown both in participation and scope to become an ongoing fixture in the SCI calendar as the Irish Polymers and Materials Conference. Above all, I’ve enjoyed working closely with new colleagues throughout SCI, and making new friends along the way. SCI can be justly proud of the warm welcome it extends to its new members - long may this continue! I’m delighted to have been nominated for SCI’s Distinguished Service Award, and I look forward to continued interaction with colleagues and friends across the Society in the future.’

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