BEIS announces smart energy investment

02 January 2018

2 Jan 2018 

Smart meters are being rolled out across the UK and should be in most homes and businesses by the end of 2020. 

British Gas smart meter.
Credit: British Gas

Today, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has announced it will invest up to £8.8 million in new ideas for products and services that use smart meter data to reduce energy demand in small, non-domestic buildings such as shops, restaurants, and schools, helping consumers to manage their energy and promote more efficient use. 

Up to £1.8 million in contracts is available for feasibility studies in a first phase. Up to £675,000 is available in a second phase for feasibility testing. A further £4.825 million is available to develop ideas further in a third phase. BEIS is also offering up to £1.5 million to fund a research and evaluation contractor to work with competition participants.

The department’s research suggests that data from smart meters could be used to encourage organisations to take action and reduce their energy use if they get the right prompts.

The competition is seeking projects that develop software tools from smart meter data that are then used to encourage organisations to save energy.

It is open to any organisation that can demonstrate a route to market for its idea, with BEIS expecting contracts to be worth up to £200,000 in phase 1 and £100,000 in phase 2. Successful projects will attract 100% funded development contracts.

The deadline for applications is at midday on 9 February 2018. Details on the competition and how to enter can be found here.

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