Board of Trustees update: July 2014

22 Jul 2014

I would like to take this opportunity to thank departing Trustees: Peter Hambleton (former Chair of PAC), Fred Parrett and Derek Heywood who have contributed enormously to the work of the Board. Peter will remain active in his roles as Ordinary Member of both FIAC and PAC and Derek will remain in governance via the Membership Affairs Committee. Fred will continue to be active in his work with the London Regional Group. I welcome and congratulate new and re-elected Trustees; Alan Baylis, Thomas Moore, Jeffrey Powell and David Reid; candidates' profiles were provided in the AGM pack.

I am also very happy to report that the new Wiley publications contract had been approved at the BoT meeting on 2 July and was signed and sealed later on that same day.

The BoT approved the amendment of the wording to paragraph one of Rule 1.1 so that there was more clarity in the proposal of candidate. The amended rule is as follows:

Every person, regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation, desirous of being admitted a Member of the Society shall be duly proposed as a candidate for admission on such form as the Board of Trustees prescribe. The proposal shall be signed by the candidate personally unless the Board of Trustees otherwise decides, and every candidate shall make and subscribe to a declaration agreeing, if elected, to be bound by the Charter, By-laws and Rules and to further the Objects of the Society.

BoT discussed the possibility of an Open BoT meeting in November which could link in with the Committee Representatives' workshop that had been postponed in May. This would be an excellent opportunity for more input to be put forward by members and Group officers.

Jack Melling
Chairman, Board of Trustees

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